Christmas Chickies 2021

People are always asking me, when are you going to stop delivering the chickies and have a driver do it instead. I have found one the greatest joys with the chickies is delivering them to their next homes and meeting their new owners.
Yesterday, Dec 23, 2021 was no different. This is always the Christmas delivery and is so much fun.
It was raining, like crazy, here in California. And everyone I delivered to did not seem to mind. The chickies were all warm and dry inside the truck.
One customer was so happy to be taking the chickies home as a surprise for her children. She had grown up with chickies, and had wanted them for a very long time. She told me they had a coop setup for awhile, but the kids weren't expecting them until next year. She was so happy to have chickies again!
When I pulled up to another customer's home...imagine my surprise when their front and side yard was covered in snow! They had a machine that made snow, and it certainly made their home look festive. The best part was when the husband, who had ordered the chickies as a present for his wife, called her to come out to see them. She didn't know she was getting chickies for Christmas until that moment. She was so genuinely happy and filled with joy! Best present ever she exclaimed to her husband, with hugs and kisses. It was actually one of the sweetest moments I have ever witnessed when delivering chickies. Then the kids came out and started naming the chickies, which is one thing I love...hearing all the great chickie names kids come up with.
Another stop was at a gorgeous winery B&B, and the kids and father for that stop all came out in their rain jackets and boots, so we could put their beautiful new chickies into their coop.
But my last stop...that was the craziest! Still raining, and the customers let me know that they had a long driveway, but not to worry, that their car can make it. Sounded fine to me, since I was in the truck. After driving down several gorgeous canyon roads, I come to a dirt road which leads me to the start of their driveway, which is uphill, and also dirt. Probably not bad in the sunshine, but this was up the side of a mountain and through an old oak grove, and up, up, up and around, around, around...canyons and trees and ravines. Before I arrived at the turnoff to their home (yes, way up this road there was also a junction), I saw what I thought was their I stopped. It wasn't a road, and then the truck didn't want to go forward. It kept slipping and sliding in the mud on this mountainside dirt road because of the rain. Finally, after several attempts, and reversing, I was moving forward again. Winding through the old oak groves and trees on all sides of me, finally after about 15 minutes, I see the lights of their house. The whole family came out to meet me and their new chickies! It was such a fun and crazy end to my Christmas 2021 deliveries.